For month of May, and on wards, EYMH have parntered with International fragrance company Scentsy, as they launch their ‘Mental Health Collection’.
Scentsy are an ethical Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company, who operate across the globe. Throughout the month of May, they will be donating a percentage of their Mental Health Collection sales, to us, at EYMH.
The decision to partner with Scentsy, involved a rigerous and detailed ‘due dillegance’, as we are aware of the negative practices MLM companies operate in the past (being born from the poor practices of Pyramid Schemes in the 90s). However, as mentioned, we did alot of investigating into their practicies with the team at Scentsy, so we could ethically agree to work with them (reach out if you have any questions).
Like any employer, i’m sure some people have had negative experiences with Scentsy, but this is sadly something that happensacross alot of organisatons.
Scentsy have partnered in the past with other organisations in Europe, like Mental Health Europe & Mental Health Ireland, two incredibly reputable and established organisations.
Lastly, and most importantly, we held several meetings with our Board of Trustees, AND our Young Leaders, to discuss concerns, positives and ensured a co-produced decision was being made, that represented all our stakeholders. This ended with a unanimous decision to go ahead with the partnership.
These funds, will go a long way, in providing us with the capacity to further train young people and support them in their advocacy work to promote mental health and support those impacted by mental-ill health.
Please watch CEO’s announcement video below and if you have any questions/comments, you can contact him here: